who we are.
frameshift works to create space for communication across - and within - offices, relationships, and cultures.
our shared vision.
We — Nora Sevbihiv Sinemillioglu and Paloma Rodríguez Carrington — founded frameshift in 2019 after discovering that we shared a common goal: we wanted to support people coming from all over the world to Berlin to work and live. We seek to help new arrivals, and long-time residents, with complex and sensitive issues including conflict resolution, cultivating professional leadership, and team-building. We also work to enhance cross-cultural communication and connections.
As we both have experienced cultural conflicts and challenging work environments while living far away from home ourselves, we understand the value of working with a supportive group of professionals with international experience to work through the difficulties that crop up. We work to become for others the helping hand that we needed when we were getting started.
our core values.
Intersectional feminism, anti-racism, gender diversity, inclusivity and sustainability are core values, and frameshift is a project determined to build these ideals into the daily lives of people and institutions.
While we cherish our ideals at frameshift, we realise that everyone is on a journey, and we do not seek to ‘perfect' people. Instead we hope to begin discussions, and to create environments where people feel safe and motivated in sharing their experiences, hopes, and concerns.
Our goal is to help our clients reach their individual goals, be those personal or professional.

how we work.
frameshift’s programme offers services for individuals, teams, and institutions. These services include conflict mediation and coaching, cultural communication training and consultation, curriculum development, creating conflict management structures for public and private bodies, coaching for teams and team development, and support provision for marginalised communities.
a human approach.
frameshift brings a unique, dynamic, and, most of all, human approach to building interpersonal and group connections. We place our academic and professional backgrounds as anthropologists and certified mediators at the service of clients seeking to create ways for diverse groups of people to make connections and actively shape their relationships.
We provide inclusive, tailored mediation, coaching, training, and moderation for individuals and groups. Our approach is heterodox, combining cutting-edge insights from communication science with non-judgmental, personalised environments to ensure that organisations and people can negotiate the complex circumstances they encounter in work and life.
In our work we build on our own diverse life experiences and cultural heritages – we have each grown up across cultures and have lived and worked in more than nine countries, including France, Mexico, Syria, The Netherlands, Turkey, and the United States.
With the services offered at frameshift we aim to foster healthy communication and relationships.
We offer services primarily in English and German, but we can also assist our clients in Arabic, Dutch, French, Spanish, and Turkish as required. We serve all communities, but note that our international background places us in an ideal position to assist expat and migrant communities.
what we bring.
Neutrality — we strive for personal and professional neutrality in all sessions. As facilitators, we offer a clear framework for discussion and encourage all participants to engage. We do not participate in these discussions ourselves. We merely oversee the conversation’s structure.
Empathy — we assume that people have good reasons for their actions, no matter how contradictory they may seem sometimes. We take people’s needs seriously, tolerate ambiguity and always treat our clients with empathy.
A good atmosphere — we help create a friendly, welcoming atmosphere by supporting clients in establishing and adhering to clear discussion guidelines.
Flexibility — with structured discussions, teams and individual clients can revise, edit, and alter the goals of a session as circumstances require. We can help by highlighting or managing these points of inflection in discussions.
Clear structure — it is our job to ensure that conversations and discussions are structured so that our clients can focus on what they want to share.
Time management — we keep an eye on the clock and make sure to plan well-timed breaks.
Creative methods — we introduce appropriate techniques and exercises for more effective discussions, problem-solving, and decision-making.
our name.
frameshift emphasises the importance of actively changing perspective. The process of mediation and coaching involves stepping out of a given set of behaviour patterns into another. This ‘shift’ involves changing the way one views the world, the ‘frame’ one puts around the events and relationships. We are here to help our clients undertake the work of reconfiguring how they see and understand others and themselves.
insert or delete.
The term ‘frameshift’ comes from the world of genetics and biology. A frameshift mutation in biology describes the insertion or deletion of a particular DNA sequence that changes the way that sequence is read.
Using this as a metaphor for our own work, we seek to help clients make the necessary changes (insertions and/or deletions) to see matters differently, and to use such insights to create positive outcomes for themselves and those around them.
change of perspective.
The DNA metaphor is only one part of the story. Frameshifting also evokes the world of art and creativity, moving a work of art in relation to its frame can drastically change what a viewer sees, even what a work means.
This lexical joining of art and science reflects our own approach, which combines intuitive relational elements with insights from the social sciences.
I am a cultural anthropologist, mediator and coach and a co-founder of frameshift.
I am of German-Kurdish origin, and, while Berlin is my current home, I carry inside of me the traces of the many places in which I was lucky enough to live. These places include Istanbul and South-East Anatolia, Germany’s Ruhr region, Damascus and the wider Middle East, Southern France, and the US Midwest.
As an anthropologist, I have made people the centre of my professional interests. Understanding and communicating different worldviews and perspectives is a daily affair for anthropologists. As a mediator and coach I invite my clients to challenge themselves, to admit to their own vulnerabilities. I support them in cultivating new perspectives, understanding and defining their individual boundaries, and widening their repertoire of responses to difficult situations while staying authentic and true to themselves. I am struck by the variety of ways in which networks of kinship and connection are formed, and by the mystery of what constitutes ‘good’ communication. Working with my clients keeps me grounded and humble, as I relearn, on a daily basis, that things are rarely how they appear on the surface.
What fascinates, moves, and drives me: vulnerability, boundaries, interculturality, differences, foreignness, groups, team, and family dynamics, nature.
I speak the following languages fluently: English, German, French and Turkish, and I am conversant in Kurdish, Arabic, and Spanish.
Co-founder of and mediator, coach and trainer at frameshift | Berlin
Scientific staff member at Master’s Programme for Mediation and Conflict Management, European University Viadrina | Frankfurt (Oder)
Mediation trainer with klären&lösen | Berlin
In the past I have worked for International Social Service (ISD), Goethe-Institut, Deutsche Welle, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and uni-assist
Certified and licensed Mediator according to the standards of the Federal Association Bundesverband MEDIATION e.V.
Systemic Coach according to the standards of the German Association for Systemic Therapy, Counseling and Family Therapy (DGSF)
MA: Cultural Anthropology at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | Germany, University Hassan II | Morocco and Aix-Marseille University | France
BA: Arabic Studies at the Aix-Marseille University | France
I am the product of an intercultural patchwork family; I am a Dutch-Mexican anthropologist, mediator, coach, and, of course, a co-founder of frameshift.
As an anthropologist, I’ve had the privilege of studying various peoples and their worlds. I recognise and appreciate how similar people are, and how all humans share something fundamental. At the same time, I acknowledge that everyone needs different things, perceives the world in unique ways, and has their own peculiarities.
I love that through my work as a mediator, coach, and trainer I get the opportunity to have a glimpse into people's lives, and to provide them a safe space to share their points of view. Sometimes people just need another voice to help them think things through, to support them in organising their thoughts, and to ask them the right questions. I aim to put people at ease, to read between the lines of spoken language, and body language, to help them express what they may struggle to articulate, and to offer them an overview of a given situation without losing sight of their individual needs.
What fascinates, moves, and drives me: the complexity of relationships, life stories, patchwork/intercultural/LGBTQIA+ families, group dynamics, contemporary art, start-up culture, sex-positivity and sexuality, inclusion, and, last but not least, intersectional feminism.
I speak the following languages fluently: Dutch, English, German, and Spanish, and I am conversant in French.
Co-founder of and mediator, coach, and trainer at frameshift | Berlin
Co-founder and manager of left gallery | Berlin
Founder of and trainer and coach at paloma rodriguez | Berlin
In the past I have worked for TU Dortmund, ascribe GmbH, University of Amsterdam, and Hivos - People Unlimited
Certified Mediator according to the standards of the Federal Association Bundesverband MEDIATION e.V.
Systemic Coach according to the standards of the German Association for Systemic Therapy, Counseling and Family Therapy (DGSF)
MA: Cultural and Social Anthropology with Honors at the University of Amsterdam | The Netherlands
BA: Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at the University of Amsterdam | The Netherlands